08 July 2016

Happily Ever After

When I saw you I fell in love,
and you smiled because you knew.

~ William Shakespeare ~

23 March 2016


He is the half part of a blessed man,
Left to be finished by such as she;
And she a fair divided excellence,
Whose fulness of perfection lies in him. 
                              ~ William Shakespeare

05 August 2012

A Little Colour in Life

Does it ever occur to you that after a while you would have this feeling of "my life is kind of bored"?  Perhaps it's time to make a detour, say, change your routine, get a new style or even learn something new.  

The world is not just black and white, there are all kinds of shades and colours in between.

Try stepping out of the comfort zone and you will find there are so many unknown and new challenges in life.  If you are brave enough to make a choice and take a chance, your life will be filled with a little more colour that is full of joy, light and excitement!

Fine, a little too intimidating to step out of the comfort zone yet?  No worries, you can always start with something small.  Just a little suggestion, let's start by changing your jewellery.

Remember we talk about this world is not just black and white? YES! Let's start by changing the colour of your jewellery, no more white diamond, we can always go for fancy colour diamonds, red, blue, yellow, green, pink, black, etc & etc.

So, what do you think about this gorgerous fancy colour diamond necklace?

Wish your life to be filled with joy, light, excitement and most important of all, SPARKLES!!

02 May 2012

A Different Perspective - Flaw or Character

 A lesson to learn, no tea time while working next to your computer.  I cracked the side of my computer with the cake plate .. ... .... Ouch!

So it's cracked and flawed, I get upset for most of the day until being told "You don't need to be upset, now your computer has character!"  Yes, why not?! We get obsessed in focusing things in a certain way, perhaps it's time to change into a different perspective.

After all, we are human, we are not flawless.  Let's embrace the flaw, for which it could be a character!

26 April 2012

Second Chances

Take a look at your jewellery box, how many pieces of old jewellery you have been neglecting?  Reasons for not wearing, to name a few, the style is out-of-date, it's broken or you just get bored.

Why not redesign and give the piece of jewellery a second chance? Let it shine and dazzle one more time!

Does it ever occur to you that life is the same?  How many times do you wake up and feel tired, exhausted and bored, thinking that life has no meaning but just routine of work, work and work?  Quiet down, have a thought, take up a new hobby, change your lifestyle, step out of your comfort zone and LIVE!

You only live once, give yourself a second chance to shine too!!

27 March 2012

Does Size Matter?

Diamond. Some, or all? say size does matter.  "Carat, the bigger the better".  So what about the colour? clarity? and cut? Irrelvant? It should not be. Diamond has so many qualities and it's each individual quality together that makes every diamond special and unique.  Every diamond is dear and treasured in its own way.

People.  Some, or almost all? believe in social status and wealth.  The wealthier, the more famous the better person he/she is.  It should not be.  People nowadays seem to have neglected the very core that defines a person - Virtue.  Before the world as it is now, we used to treasure and admire people with courage, endurance, patience, perseverance, will and many other inner values than a mere judging of which super sports car he is driving or what a big diamond she has on her finger!  Every individual is unique and special in his/her very own way.

People say one can tell how much he loves his girl from the size of the diamond he buys.  Can you, really?  I say, NO, you cannot.  The size of the diamond, to a certain extent, can tell the size of his wallet (not conclusive, though) but certainly not the depth of his love nor the size of his heart.

From diamond to people, sometimes I wonder, is it a time that we should quiet down and have a thought, bigger a diamond is not always a better diamond and richer a person is not always a better person.

Size DOES matter, if one holds a big heart that fills with love and light! 

23 March 2012

From Rough to Dazzle

Life is like diamond.

Yes, it's true. I am not referring to the value of diamond per say .. ... ....

From an ordinary rough stone transforms into a faceted gem, that precious has to first be found in a mine, then being cut, cleave, brute then polish.  A diamond is being graded by its carat, color, cut and clarity.  We, human beings, from the second that we are born into this world we started our never-ending learning process.  We learn how to walk, how to talk, how to write, how to interact with people, we learn how to love and not to hate.  The path that we travel, the experience that we gain, the lessons that we learn, shape us into who we are, where we are and what we do.

We treasure our values - integrity, decency and honesty.

From a rough stone to a diamond; from a baby to an adult; we learn, we grow, we shine & dazzle!